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Home Patients Your 1st visit
Preparing for Your First Visit PDF Print E-mail
Please bring the following documents with you on or before the date of your first appointment/consultation:
  1. Referral letter from your doctor
  2. Histology report
  3. Relevant diagnostic radiology report(s) (X-ray, CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, PET and Ultrasound) and films
  4. Laboratory reports
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Myths & Facts

Myth: Radiation will cause me to miss my daily routine

Fact: While fatigue is often common during radiation treatment, many patients can still maintain their normal daily schedule including work and school. As treatment nears the end, the fatigue may increase. That does not mean you have to give up your routine; just be sure to get the rest you need.

Myth: Radiation therapy will make me radioactive

Fact: If your treatment involves external radiation, you are not radioactive. The radiation is delivered in doses to treat the abnormal tissue and once the machine is turned off, the radiation does not linger within you. You can maintain a normal routine and go near or around anyone, including pregnant women and babies.

Contact Us

Suite #3, 1 Ripon Road
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Tel: (876) 920-1823, (876) 920-8404, (876) 960-0975
Fax: (876) 960-1359
Contact Us Now

Did you know?

What is prostate cancer? - Cancer is a disease characterized by the un-controlled growth and potential spread of abnormal (malignant) cells.