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Home Brachytherapy What Is Brachytherapy
What is Brachytherapy? PDF Print E-mail

Brachytherapy also called radioactive seed implantation; Brachytherapy is the placement of small radioactive "seeds" directly into cancerous regions under the guidance of Ultra Sound and fluoroscopy. Brachytherapy is designed to provide a highly targeted dose of radiation to the prostate without harming other organs or surrounding healthy tissue. Generally, the procedure requires only a single hospital visit. Doctors pinpoint the location of the tumor and map the area where the seeds will be placed. Using a special probe, the physician positions hollow needles to deliver, on average, 100 seeds to the prostate. Each seed is smaller than a grain of rice, and they remain in the prostate permanently.

Studies have shown that Brachytherapy is an effective treatment option with a lower risk of side effects and complications. The potential risk of incontinence and impotence may be reduced with radioactive seed implants compared to surgery, allowing patients to resume their lifestyle- and quality of life- quickly. 10- year and 12 year studies of prostate cancer patients showed PSA levels following Brachytherapy superior to other forms of treatment with 87% biochemical and clinical control.


1st In The Caribbean

In the Caribbean when it comes to modern radiation treatment for cancer, the Radiation Oncology Centre of Jamaica has the most experience and is the most affordable.

Patients from other Caribbean countries regularly obtain treatment at ROCJ and our staff makes coming to Jamaica for radiation therapy as easy and convenient as possible. From a patient’s first contact with the Centre, to arrival for treatment, we help to ensure a smooth transition.

Outside of Jamaica, our patients have come from the Cayman Islands, Barbados, Trinidad, Turks and Caicos Islands, Antigua and Barbuda and other countries.

Contact Us For Quality Cancer Care in the Caribbean.

Contact Us

Suite #3, 1 Ripon Road
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Tel: (876) 920-1823, (876) 920-8404, (876) 960-0975
Fax: (876) 960-1359
Contact Us Now

Did you know?

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer? - Early prostate cancer often has no symptoms, so regular exams by your physician are recommended.